Personal branding photography – featured shoot

Personal branding photographer Leicestershire

Are you busy building the brand of you? Are you visible in your business, or are you hiding behind your products and logo? Maybe you are unsure of how to introduce your self in your marketing materials, because you don’t like being photographed?

Personal branding shoots are spectacular value for money! It isn’t just images for using across your marketing, but images that show you, show what you do, show how you do it, show your personality, your value, your journey. Your customers will feel they know you and know what they are in for long before buying from you, which means you will attract your perfect customers, because they already love your process! They are very genuine images, but they have a beautiful coherent look, which means your marketing and social media feeds will look beautiful and coherent.

How does it work

Planning is key to a successful personal branding shoot! The better planned your shoot is, the more images you will get. This features shoot was a three hour shoot, which gives you a really big and varied gallery, expected around 100 images. You can do both head shots, images of you working as well as other styled images. We can use Pinterest to collaborate on your ideas before hand and accumulate a shoot list. I would recommend you do a personal branding shoot for your business two or three times a year, depending on how often you post on social media.

I can come to you, you can come to the studio or we can find a location that suits your brand. This is a great type of shoot, and will give you lots of content for all your marketing.

What should you photograph

This is entirely bespoke to you and your business, but here are some things to consider:

  • You – we always need a head shot. Have one ready for PR opportunities and for your LinkedIn, about you section etc.
  • You working. What are all the little every day tasks you do that you don’t even think about? There will be so many elements that you take for granted that others won’t really think about. The farm shop will collect eggs every single morning, it’s just part of their day, but to the customer this is a super important part. Do you put a hand cut little finished mark on everything? Do you make hand drawings for first drafts?
    The great thing about being photographed just doing your job, is you don’t have to stand and smile to the camera, so it is a much softer way of being in your own pictures. It means you are showing your customers how you work as well as showing you, it’s a big win win!
  • Your work space? This might just be your desk, but it will still show your personality.
  • What are your tools? Have you got a bit of a uniform or specific clothing you wear?
  • Can we photograph you with customers? Where would you meet your clients? What would you show them, mood boards, drawings, sample books, portfolios?
  • Styled final products?


This is just a small sample of the final gallery from this shoot. Laura has years of experience in the marketing industry in London and is setting up her own business to offer web design and marketing consultancy.

If you are interested in a personal branding shoot, then please just get in touch, I am always happy to have a chat about your ideas.

You can find out more about Laura’s work on her web site.

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